vongolaprimo Yeah..I think I did too.
vongolaprimo Not sure though.
vongolaprimo Yeah the status says PASSED
vongolaprimo I'm pretty sure I passed right!?!?! lol
vongolaprimo lol just making sure
vongolaprimo because I can't believe I passed
eytang8@yahoo.com sup?
vongolaprimo nothing much
vongolaprimo I'm just starting to get a little annoyed with myself
vongolaprimo I can't win a game at all these games...it makes me feel like...I'm nothing..
eytang8@yahoo.com Games don't mean anything, do they?
vongolaprimo I mean..I don't have any talents..so me getting beat in a video game..well, it hurts my pride even more...
vongolaprimo like I have no skills whatsoever
vongolaprimo you know how that feels??
vongolaprimo How u can't win in video games..that everyone says that
vongolaprimo *that's easy??
eytang8@yahoo.com mmm...
vongolaprimo Yeah..I mean..what do u do in Brawl when
vongolaprimo like when I try to attack someone and they dodge with the down dodge (shield + down) and they try to attack me and I do the same, but I always end up losing because I always end up losing the dodging. It always happens to me. Anyways, what do u do though when something like that happens to you?
eytang8@yahoo.com I generally get hit
vongolaprimo what..?
eytang8@yahoo.com either try charging an attack
eytang8@yahoo.com or a fast attack
eytang8@yahoo.com like a jab
vongolaprimo oh.
vongolaprimo yeah
eytang8@yahoo.com something that'll catch them
vongolaprimo I did that with you once though
vongolaprimo I lost with the dodging
eytang8@yahoo.com Hm?
vongolaprimo yeah I see ur point..
vongolaprimo I mean I always try to attack back
vongolaprimo and then u guys end up dodging it
vongolaprimo and attack me back
vongolaprimo and I'll dodge it
vongolaprimo next thing I know I got hit
eytang8@yahoo.com Maybe dodge multiple times in a row?
vongolaprimo Yeah I do that
eytang8@yahoo.com or possibly back off with a roll
vongolaprimo and then I'll end up getting grab while shielding
vongolaprimo and when I try to do that to someone it doesn't work
vongolaprimo But yeah I get ur point though
eytang8@yahoo.com something that hits enough times in a row should eventually connect
vongolaprimo Yeah...
vongolaprimo like pit's spammage attack
vongolaprimo or shiek's
eytang8@yahoo.com Yeah, those are hella annoying
vongolaprimo but those doesn't have to be dodge
vongolaprimo blocking is good enough
vongolaprimo I guess I gotta start thinking that I'm not fighting computers...
vongolaprimo that's probably one reason
eytang8@yahoo.com But it can't be shield grabbed if you stay at the right distance
vongolaprimo because...well idk
eytang8@yahoo.com Computers play a lot different than people
vongolaprimo like u guys aren't predictable
eytang8@yahoo.com I play mostly impulsively
eytang8@yahoo.com Just dash in and attack as much as possible
vongolaprimo yeah..
eytang8@yahoo.com I really don't know how to play thoughtfully
eytang8@yahoo.com G'night
vongolaprimo alright
vongolaprimo see ya